Women are unique in every way, and as you go through life your body changes and evolves. It is important that the uniqueness of your changing body is understood and embraced to support your needs.
Many women are so used to keeping their private parts private that they may actually have no idea about this part of their bodies. It is an area taken for granted when it is functioning properly, and an area often ignored.
Osteopathy is excellent in supporting women’s health, and Edge Healthcare offer a service for women from women.
What can osteopathy help with?
- Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain and lower back pain; During pregnancy, hormonal and structural changes influence the way in which the joints in this region behave. Pelvic girdle pain usually manifests due to instability or restrictions in these joints and osteopathy can diagnose and effectively treat this area.
- Lower back and pelvic pain due to connective tissue adhesions. There is a delicate balance between the tissues throughout the body. Past infections, or surgeries can lead to adhesions which limited the movement of the organs in the pelvic cavity and may further exasperate symptoms. Osteopathy may help to improve the mobility of restricted tissue within the pelvic cavity.
- Painful periods, heavy periods, bloating; These can all be signs of congestion of the local fluid in the pelvic girdle, which can lead to excessive uterine muscle cramps, or fluid build up. Osteopathic treatment and the right diagnosis can help by restoring the correct fluid dynamics, by improving the movement of the muscles, organs and joints in the area.
- Bladder irritations and improving symptoms associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Constipation
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Did you know 80% of woman experience pelvic floor dysfunction?
You may have heard of Kegal exercises to correct this issue, but more and more woman these days are suffering with an overactive pelvic floor. This can be due to a number of reasons, the most common one being chronically tightening the pelvic floor due to recent information that this area must always be held tight.
While it is useful for the pelvic floor to have a level of contraction, over tightening and long periods of contraction in the area cause issues of there own.
Whether it be overactive or underactive, proper diagnosis and treatment of the pelvic floor and surrounding structures can help with the often sensitive symptoms of this condition. While these symptoms are common they’re not normal and can usually be improved and corrected.
Some of these symptoms include
- Incontinence; possibly leaking urine when you laugh, cough, run or jump.
- Constipation or difficulty in evacuating your bowels
- Tension or discomfort in the back, hips or genitals
- Pelvic pain or pain on sexual intercourse
- Menstrual pain because of congestion
- Urgency or increased frequency with urination
Book an appointment
Edge Healthcare provides a diverse range of services in osteopathy, physiotherapy, and healing. See our talented team of doctors and therapists who can help you with your issues. Interested in one of our services? Check our Services page for more info.
Cranial osteopathy is no different to osteopathy, in that it is a gentle, safe and effective form of treatment.
Paediatric physiotherapy is an area of physiotherapy to help children to achieve their optimal physical development.
Osteopathy is a drug-free, non-invasive manual therapy that aims to improve health across all body systems.
Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, pain, illness or disability.
Our practitioners are skilled at assessing your functional movement and how that is applicable to any injuries or pain that you may have.
Dry needling is an effective and efficient technique for the treatment of muscular pain and myofascial dysfunction.
Most of us are aware of the necessary steps needed after surgery to restore strength, mobility, joint flexibility, movement patterns and performance.
Visceral manipulation is an osteopathic practice that is focused on the manual therapy of the organs in the body.
Vestibular physiotherapy is a practical and exercise- based physiotherapy to rehabilitate o patients who present with balance problems or dizziness.
At Edge Healthcare, we provide tailored ergonomic assessments in Singapore and recommendations with postural education by our UK trained Osteopaths and Physiotherapists.
Got any inquiries, questions, issues about our services? We’d love to hear from you! Navigate to our Contact Us page for more details on how to reach someone from our clinic.